Wednesday 24 November 2010

Port Loius, Mauritius

1 comment:

  1. Port Loius is the second most important finacial center in Africa, after Johannesburg. The economy is generated by the Port, and was founded
    by the French. During the 18th Century, slaves were introduced to the island by the British and French, after which many Indians and chinese workers were brought back to work on the land and cultivate the sugar plantations after the abolition of slavery. The British once inhabited Vacoas, the flat plains, an area where climate is of a temperate nature, and the only thing left from the British legacy, are the road signs as the country became independant in 1968. Today,Port Louis, is the largest container handling facility in the Indian Ocean, manufacturing clothing and textiles, plastics pharmaceuticals and Tourism within the economy. Port Louis is surrounded by mountains called the Moka range. Two mountains, Le Pouce and Pieter Both, are the tallest at 800m above sea level. Climate is a tropical wet and dry one, with a wet season from December to April, and a short dry season from September to November. Temperature can fluctuate within the Port. Population is made up of more than 75%, who are Indians of mixed origons, Hindu and Muslim faith, and a small minority of Chinese with the rest of a mixed group of Europian decendance, British, French, Spanish and Portugese.
    Modern architecture took place in the early 1990's and 2000. New development is planned in the future, the master plan shows the new capital.
